Try to get the highest possible score! Don't mind what is written and select the text color. Be careful, though: wrong answers will take away from your score.

This game was made for the 20 Second Game Jam 2024! Featuring 20 second gameplay and cats. This game is playable on browser and is mobile-friendly.

Feel free to tell me your best score in the comments!

Updated 23 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Made withTwine
TagsCats, Fast-Paced, Twine


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70 on easy, 40 on hard. Although I might have been cheating since I took my glasses off :D

Great game!

That's impressive! I'm glad you liked it.

55 on easy, 27 hard. The timer might be off? (Playing on chrome on an android phone). I appreciate that i have to process a bit before i choose, otherwise. Nice game! :)

You might be clicking so fast that it disrupts the timer! Call it a testament to your skills!

Great game ðŸ˜Š
My scores:
easy - 30
normal - 20
hard - 18

Pretty good! Congrats and thanks for playing!


First go I got -19, as I didn't read the instructions! I then got 20 on easy, and 17 on hard.

Fun game!

Damn this game is so addicting >< LOVE IT!

Thank you! =)